Saturday, June 27, 2009

1st Birthday Morning--June 5, 2009

The Birthday Boy Playing!
My Big 1 Year Old!
I will do his birthday in sections b/c there is a ton to write about!
Bill & I were both home & when he awoke on his 1st Birthday we both went to get him. I had the video camera in hand & we made a big to-do about his 1st B-day. He had pancakes & Bananas for breakfast....his favorite! Cameron had his 1st B-day Pics @ 11 pm, so we had some time to play before we all had to get ready. This is Cameron playing in the morning.

52 Weeks Old--June 4, 2009

52 Weeks Old
Lookin' Good in his Outfit!
I ask you...How cute is he!?!
Up to no good I bet!
I just love this face!!!
B-Day tomorrow! It is hard for me to imagine that a year ago on this day, Bill & I were spending our last "alone" time together. Making all the final arrangements before Cameron's arrival. I can remember crying for my girls b/c I knew their lives were going to change forever...& they did! All day at work, I was going over all the last minute details for his birthday & his birthday party in my head. Needless to say, I was not focused at all!
Well here we are...52 weeks later. The last of the weekly picture taking. I am sure Cameron is quite happy with this! The outfit Cameron has of my favorites. I purchased it for him before he was born. For those of you who may not be familiar with me as well...I LOVE MICHAEL JORDAN! Love him. So when I saw this Jordan outfit...he had to have it! He is also wearing the Jordans he got for Easter. Cameron looks too cute in this whole outfit!!!