Friday, January 30, 2009

34 Weeks Old--January 29, 2009

34 Weeks Old
He Loves his V-Tech Learning Toy
He also likes to eat it...Go figure!
Still practicing the crawling
YEAH...I am getting to be such a big boy!
Ok...I mentioned that Cameron had a LONG week. The stomach bug is going around & it did not miss this house. Bill had it bad, I had it on the mild side & my poor little guy got it too. He vomited for the 1st time on Saturday morning (1/24). I called the Dr & they got me in right away. It was in fact the stomach bug. They told me to switch his formula to Soy & stop all juice & fruits. So we did, however, Cameron decided he hated the Soy formula and refused to drink it after maybe three-four bottles.
So on Monday night, I gave him his regular formula at bed as he was so thirsty. MISTAKE! Threw up in the crib & when I picked him, all over me and the hallway wall/carpet. Poor little guy. I gave him some Pedilyte & he went back to sleep.
The next say, I called the Dr again. This time I needed to switch him to Sensitive RS instead of Soy. My mom picked Cameron up from Rochelle early on Tuesday & I stayed home on Wednesday (we could not get out the driveway anyway with all the snow!). I was not sure what I was going to do for Thursday. Rochelle offered to keep him, but she still had Maya & McKenna to take care of. I had no choice...I had to go to work as did Bill. God Bless my mother...she took a day off from work to watch Cameron. She just offered & I was amazed. I was so touched...of course I cried after I got off the phone with her.
Since we switched to the Sensitive formula, only eating veggies, but I started to give Cameron adult bananas mushed up, all has been going well. I am truly thankful that the stomach bug appears to be on its way out of his system.
I want to take a moment & thank my Mom! She is a remarkable mother & grandmother. There are not many mothers/grandmothers whom would give up their own time off to take care of their sick grandson. I am lucky enough to have such wonderful mother in my life. Bill & I were touched by her generosity. This is the same mother who knows my obsession with all things "1st" for Cameron that she bought his 1st Valentines outfit bib, 1st St. Patty's day outfit & bib & two 1st Easter bibs! You are GREAT mom. Cameron truly could not have asked for a better Grandma & I could not have asked for a more perfect mother......I Love You!!!!!

Funny Hair

Funny Hair
It may be hard to see Cameron's hair in this pic, but I took it after his bath. His hair was standing straight up & it looked too funny. Cameron has blonde hair, so it is hard to see it, but I think if you look closely you will see it standing up!

33 Weeks Old--January 22, 2009

33 Weeks Old
Are you still snapping pics of me?
He should not look surprised by the camera!
Playing with his toys
And of course...eating his toys!!!
This week marked the beginning of a LONG week for poor Cameron. He started with the "poopers" then eventually vomitting. Never good! More on that to come. His 33 Week old birthday was not the best...but he was still a trooper for pics.

The Army Crawl has begun--January 19, 2009

Getting ready to crawl
Doing the army crawl
YEAH...I started to crawl!!!!!
This started like any ordinary day. I took off from work as I was feeling under the weather & had a ton of work to do. So I stayed home with Bill & Cameron. Bill had Cameron all day while I rested & did my work. After a long day, I dressed Cameron for bed & we played a little while longer. I was snapping photos...go figure!
Cameron has been spending a lot of time on his belly. I knew that if he wanted to crawl, he needed more belly time. While on his belly, he caught a glimpse of the dog's bone. He looked at it & you could see the wheels turning..."How can I get that?" Just like that, he started inching towards it...the ARMY CRAWL!!! Bill & I were amazed. He never did it before & we were both there to witness it! It was an awesome experience. Of course, we grabbed the video camera & regular camera. I was so glad we got it on film & video.
I was feeling guilty that day about not going to work, but after this miracle...I never felt better!!! I am so proud of my munchkin...Soon it will be the real crawl & watch out!!!!

Playing in the Pack-N-Play

Ready to get out!
Actually Playing
I snapped a few shots of Cameron playing in his Pack-N-Play. He will stay in for a short time, but then wants out! So I snapped these pics quickly!!!!

32 Weeks Old--January 15, 2009

32 Week Old
He loves his feet
Playing & eating his toys!
Cameron went back the Doctor so he could check out the RSV. It was gone, but an ear infection arrived! This poor little boy. Bill took him to the Doctor, but I was prepared for the ear infection b/c all the research I read on RSV stated 9 out of 10 kids will get ear infections. So more smelled like bubble gum & Cameron loved it. He is getting so BIG! We love him so!

A Cute Little Outfit

The Pooh Outfit
Love the Hat!!!
All smiles
He will be getting around soon!
Relaxing with Belle
Cameron received the above outfit as a shower gift. I had to put it on him...just for the cute Pooh hat. The outfit is already too small & int he bin with all the other clothes he can no longer wear!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

31 Weeks Old--January 8, 2008

31 Weeks Old
Standing at his Leap Frog Table
He is such a BIG Boy standing there!!!
Trying to drink what is in the Dunkin Donuts cup (it was empty!)
Daddy & Cameron caught sweet!
Today was a better day for Cameron. We could stop the steroid & the nebulizer is now every 6 hours instead of every 4 hours. He is such a brave little boy! Today I caught an array of photos. Him playing on his playmat, standing at his Leap Frog Table, trying to Drink from the Dunkin Donuts cup & I caught Cameron & Daddy taking a nap together. I feel so fortunate & I am grateful for Cameron. He is such a little blessing!!!!

7 Months Old--January 5, 2008

7 Months Old
Playing with Cookie Monster
A little trooper despite being sick
Ready for bed
One the phone...Do you like the Pugs on his PJ's!!!
My Munchkin is 7 months old. He is getting so big!!!!
However, his 7 month milestone was not pretty. Cameron did not seem himself on Sunday night. He had a bad cough & sounded really congested. When he woke on Monday morning it sounded worse, so I called the Dr & they got me in ASAP. So we trekked to the Dr & Cameron was diagnosed with RSV or Respiratory syncytial virus. Basically it is a severe cold that can lead to pneumonia if not treated. We received a mild steroid & a nebulizer. We also went to the hospital lab for a check of his nose to be certain that it had not reached pneumonia (Thankfully it came back negative!). RSV is highly contagious & the Dr recommended no contact with other children & for Cameron not to leave the house for a few off from work I was for this whole week. He did not have a fever on Monday but did have one on Tuesday & Wednesday of this week. He never lost his appetite however which is a awesome thing. He is not fond of the nebulizer, but he takes it like a real trooper. For the most part he is still happy & plays, but gets a little more cranky then normal. Gets tired easily & really only wants me. However, Bill has managed to take on a few shifts & Cameron does well for his Daddy!!!
I am thankful I had the time to take from work & that Cameron is getting better everyday. Tuesday/Wednesday were a little rough, but we managed. He is a fantastic little boy & we love him so.

30 Weeks Old--January 1, 2009

30 Weeks Old
Who could resist that smile!!!
Such a little man
Ready to escape these pics!
Cameron turned 30 weeks on New Years I snapped some cute pics of him in a Mickey Mouse outfit we received as a shower gift. Bill was none the too pleased (For the those of you who do not know this....Bill is not a Disney fan!). Either way, Cameron was cute. We had our New Year's Day dinner @ Great-Grandma Florence & Great-Great Grandma Morgan's house. It was a very nice time.

Baby New Year

Baby New Year
He is too cute!!!
All smiles
We love you Cameron David!!!
On New Years Eve I had the brilliant idea to take pictures of Cameron as Baby New Year. I think they turned out quite cute!!!
On New Year's Eve, Bill & I put Cameron to bed & stayed up to watch the ball drop. It was a quiet evening...nothing fancy. To reflect on 2008 would take numerous words, but I can sum it up in a few short phrases/sentences. 2008 was a FANTASTIC year for us! We were blessed with Cameron whom is healthy, happy & perfect. Our families have been generous, loving & supportive. I never dreamed that being a mother would be so rewarding & rich. I am honored to be Cameron's mom & look forward to an even better year in 2009.

More Special Visitors

Cameron, Great-Grandma Florence & Great-Great Grandma Morgan
Grandpa Fisher & Cameron
Daddy, Cameron & Mommy
Cameron received more special visitors on Tuesday night. Grandma & Grandpa Fisher, Great-Grandma Florence & Great-Great Grandma Morgan. I made lasagna (Stoffers), garlic bread & a pie (box of course). They came to spend time with Cameron & see all his gifts. We enjoyed the company & Cameron was too nosey to get some rest but for 30 minutes. It was a really nice time & I so enjoyed having the family here to spend one-on-one time together.

More pics with our special vistors

MacKenzie & Madison posing in their Hannah Montana Gear
Cameron with his Learing Town
Mommy & Cameron
Suzanne & Me
Cameron, me & Aunt Ruthie
Here are a few more shots from our visit with "Aunt Suzanne", "Aunt Ruthie", Madison & MacKenzie...Enjoy!