Thursday, January 8, 2009

7 Months Old--January 5, 2008

7 Months Old
Playing with Cookie Monster
A little trooper despite being sick
Ready for bed
One the phone...Do you like the Pugs on his PJ's!!!
My Munchkin is 7 months old. He is getting so big!!!!
However, his 7 month milestone was not pretty. Cameron did not seem himself on Sunday night. He had a bad cough & sounded really congested. When he woke on Monday morning it sounded worse, so I called the Dr & they got me in ASAP. So we trekked to the Dr & Cameron was diagnosed with RSV or Respiratory syncytial virus. Basically it is a severe cold that can lead to pneumonia if not treated. We received a mild steroid & a nebulizer. We also went to the hospital lab for a check of his nose to be certain that it had not reached pneumonia (Thankfully it came back negative!). RSV is highly contagious & the Dr recommended no contact with other children & for Cameron not to leave the house for a few off from work I was for this whole week. He did not have a fever on Monday but did have one on Tuesday & Wednesday of this week. He never lost his appetite however which is a awesome thing. He is not fond of the nebulizer, but he takes it like a real trooper. For the most part he is still happy & plays, but gets a little more cranky then normal. Gets tired easily & really only wants me. However, Bill has managed to take on a few shifts & Cameron does well for his Daddy!!!
I am thankful I had the time to take from work & that Cameron is getting better everyday. Tuesday/Wednesday were a little rough, but we managed. He is a fantastic little boy & we love him so.

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