Friday, March 13, 2009

9 Months Old--March 5, 2009

9 Months Old
Looking "Sweet" in the Nike gear
Getting ready to stand up!
Look Mommy..I am up!
Playing with his Mega Blocks
It is hard for me to believe that I am sitting here writing again about another month that has past in Cameron's life. 9 months is going by way too fast for me! I will freely admit that I sometimes sit & cry that it has gone by this fast. Wait until Cameron's 1st Birthday. I will be a mess!!!!
I pulled Cameron an additional week from Rochelle to help him get better. Again, my sister agreed to come up & watch him since she was off from work one more week. It truly was a HUGE relief for me!
February came & went. I was hoping it would be a better month for Cameron. Well it was slightly better. 1st there was the ear infection, then the yeast infection & then the topper...the sinus infection! Gee! Cameron has had a rough winter. I have avoided everything possible this winter since the beginning of January. When I went to the Dr for the 500th time, he advised that this has been the worst cold/flu/sickness season he has seen in a long time. Go figure! We just need to now get through March & then the cold/flu/RSV/illness season is mostly over. YEAH!!!
Cameron is doing so many things. He is pulling himself up to a standing position, "cruising" from toy to toy & is way more vocal. He says "Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma" quite frequently and to be honest I cannot hear enough of it!!! Poor Bill though, no matter how many times we say "da-da-da-da" he will not say it. He says "ba-ba-ba-ba" & "pa-pa-pa-pa" but just not "da-da-da-da." I am sure it will happen soon. Cameron is learning the word "No" right now. It has been a challenge, but we are truly consistent. We have to be for him to know we mean business. Patience is something I pray for every night & I hope that God hears my prayers and helps me along as we raise Cameron.
Ok a few people I need to thank: My Mom once again! She steps up to the plate every time I ask. She will bend her schedule for me, goes to the store for me & I could go on & on & on. THANK YOU MOM. I love you so & Cameron loves you too. Aunt Rhonda--Thanks for checking on Cameron numerous times as well as babysitting when we went to the Fab Fuex Concert for a few hours! You are a wonderful sister-in-law & a wonderful aunt to Cameron. We love you! Aunt Kelly--Thank you for coming to our house to watch Cameron for 2 weeks in row! It really made our lives easier and settled my mind. Thanks for all the pics you sent me throughout the day of my lil' boy. It made me smile! I see in your eyes how much you love Cameron & he loves you too! Thank you for being so giving of your time! I love you! Grandma & Grandpa Fisher--Thanks for watching Cameron so I could take Bill out for his birthday dinner (even if it was only to Lorenzo's). You re-arranged your schedule to watch him & we were really grateful. Thank you!!

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