Friday, May 8, 2009

10 Months Old--April 5, 2009

10 Months Old
Standing Up
Playing under the Activity Center
Cruising around
Give me that Camera, Mommy!
I cannot believe that Cameron is 10 months old already! Time sure is flying by. Cameron is a crawling machine & is starting to cruise a lot more. It is a matter of time until he walks on his own. I believe that will occur before his 1st Birthday!
He is getting bigger & stronger everyday. He manages to move things all around & I wonder how he does it for only being 10 months old. He is incredible if I do say so myself. We were illness free for this whole month...YEAH! Cameron has been with me everywhere. We are back to shopping & just enjoying ourselves when the weather is nice!
We adore Cameron & are looking forward to another month of FUN!

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