Saturday, August 16, 2008

10 Weeks Old--August 14, 2008

10 weeks old
More Pics Mom!!!
Are we done yet!!!
My Little Munchkin is 10 weeks. He has been so kind to his mommy...he is sleeping 8-9 hours now!!! I was in shock when he slept 9 hours 2 night in row. He is laughing more now, smiling more & taking in his environment. He loves certain songs I sing to him. He loves A-B-C & Knick-Nack Paddy Whack & he especially loves when I sing 50 Nifty United States. I am also using sign language with Cameron. All simple things like Mommy, Daddy, Puppy, eat, drink, etc. Suzanne taught her twins & it was amazing what they could communicate to her before they could actually talk. Cameron is fascinated by the sign language, so I hope he will pick it up & we will be able to communicate sooner. I know it will save both him & I a lot of frustration.

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