Monday, September 29, 2008


Looking "Sharp" in the Jean Jacket
Ready to go out in style
Future Ralph Lauren Model
Cool Little Dude
Real quick about the attached photos...I love this jean jacket! My little man looks so darn cute, I can't stand it! My Dad calls Cameron his "Cool Little Dude" & I think these pictures sum that expression up!
Ok generosity....I have been so blessed by so many people. I pray every night with Cameron & God has answered so many prayers that there are too many to count to be honest, but I wanted to mention three people:

Suzanne: My Best Friend is amazing!!! I told her that of all the TONS of clothes Cameron got, the one thing he did not get was jeans for the winter. We had some shirts, but no pants. I told her that I wanted to come up one Friday & go the outlets so I could get some cheap little jeans at Children Place. I also told her that if she came across a "Pea in the Pod" Halloween Costume to let me know. I so want Cameron to be this for Halloween. 1st I get the call she found the "Pea in a Pod" & bought it as a gift for Cameron. She is remarkable! I then got a VM that advised I should go to her mom's house that she had a bag of stuff for me. I assumed it was DVD's, safety things, etc. I brought the bag home & was in shock. She went & bought Cameron 3 pair of jeans, a pair of cute black pants & an overall set. I literally broke down into tears. I called her & left a long, tearful message telling her that I am truly thankful to have her as my friend & honored to call her my best friend. To amaze me with your friendship everyday. I seriously do not know what I would do without you & I glad I don't have to. I love you & so cannot wait for Cameron to grow up & love you as much as I do!!!

Cheryl (Bill's Mom): Bill's mom is awesome! You know people tell you horror stories about "Mother-In-Laws" & what they have to endure. I do not have this problem..THANK GOD! My mother-in-law is very generous. Chip & Cheryl invite us out to dinner at least twice a month, so it is a night of no dishes & good conversation. My mother-in-law also comes here to my house with formula, diapers, wipes, etc!!! These are all things that I am always in need of & can always use. I really cannot thank her enough for these things. Cameron is lucky to be able to call her "Grandma." Cheryl...Thank you for your generosity! It means the world to me & Bill. I just know that Cameron will love you as much as we do! Your time with us is the best gift I could ever receive!! I love you!

Mommy: My mom amazes me too! She listens to everything I say & never forgets the important things. She too arrives with diapers, wipes & formula. Anyone who know my mom, knows she is a SHOPPER!!! I mentioned to my mom that I wanted to pick up a few long sleeve onesies for Cameron to go with the cute jeans Suzanne bought & that I was really going to be in need of sleepers (heavy ones) for the upcoming winter months. The next day, my mom shows up with a bag of clothes....long sleeve onesies & heavy sleepers for winter. She bought more long sleeve onesies the other day too! I was so grateful. My mom also saves me money too by picking up Cameron from Rochelle & taking him to her house. I know that my mom & dad love this one on one time with Cameron. By doing this for me, it allows both Bill & I to work a four day work week so we can each spend one whole day alone with Cameron. The gift of time with your son is truly priceless & I am so grateful for it! Mom...I can only hope to be half the mother you were to me. You are a true example of how a mother should be towards her children (selfless, giving). Thank you for all of it...Thank you...Thank you...Thank you! I love you more then I can express into words!

Now that I have cried numerous times writing this, I am done! I love you Suzanne, Cheryl & Mom. My life would not be the same without you!!!!

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